Youth Ministry Team
What Exactly Is A YMT?
A YMT is a person who has a passion for Jesus and for youth. The job consists of working at two different places. Part-time at Riverside and part-time as a youth director at a local congregation. It is an excellent way to serve the Lord, live in community, have fun, and get your feet wet in camping/youth ministry.
A YMT member participates fully in an on-going growing love relationship with our Triune God. Living out their faith, YMTs share the Gospel and their lives with others through a partnership between Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp and an area congregation.
Responsible to:
God, Program Coordinator, Associate Program Coordinator, and the Senior Pastor of the congregation.
Responsibilities to the Congregation:
Commit an average of 25 hours per week to the congregation.
Develop weekly schedule in coordination with the Program Coordinator to ensure accountability to the expectations of the congregation and establish healthy ministry boundaries. Generally, there are three Church days a week; Sunday, Monday (or Tuesday), and Wednesday.
Prayer for the youth and families of the congregation
Attendance of staff meetings and weekly communication with the Pastor
Coordination and encouragement of a team of adults working with youth in the congregation such as a Youth Committee or Youth Board
Program development and leadership of regular youth meetings
Program development & leadership for other church-related youth activities
Program development and leadership of specific Sunday School class
Attendance at Sunday worship
Attendance of community events, such as ball games, concerts, etc.
Relational ministry with youth (eating lunch at school, one-on-ones, meals with families, etc.)
The YMT Congregation will provide the YMT youth director with: congregational support, occasional host homes, financial support for the expense of the program, travel time, mileage reimbursement (at the Federal Rate) and approved incidental expenses such as postage, stationary, sporting events, pizza parties, etc.
Responsibilities to Riverside:
Commit an average of 20 hours per week to Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp.
Develop weekly schedule in coordination with leadership to ensure accountability to the expectations of Riverside.
Praying for the ministries of Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp
Program development for Recharges and Spring Blast! events
Program participation at Riverside sponsored events
Program support of adult programs
Assisting with office duties, maintenance, housekeeping, and kitchen duties as needed
Bible study, discipleship, training sessions, and one-on-ones with staff leadership.
Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp will provide the YMT with: training, salary, health insurance, room and board, and office support during the YMT Contract year. The holidays granted by Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp are Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, and Easter. The YMT youth director will have these days off unless he/she makes other arrangements with the Associate Program Coordinator and the Pastor.