Spring Work Day
About the Spring Work Day
The Spring Work Day is a great day for volunteers of all skills, ages, and abilities to come help keep the ministry of Riverside alive and well. Every summer, thousands of people will visit Riverside and experience God in amazing ways. We will have lots of jobs for folks of all work abilities. Be a part of making camp a beautiful place for the Gospel to come alive for campers and families this summer, by helping at the Spring Work Day!
Our work day for 2025 is scheduled for Saturday, May 3 from 8:30am-lunch time. Please meet at the Dining Hall at 8:30 a.m. to begin. The day will conclude with a "thank you" lunch, so please complete the volunteer form below to ensure we prepare enough for everyone!
8:15-8:30am: Check-in and coffee/cinnamon rolls in the Dining Hall
8:30am: Gather, pray, and be sent out to work projects
12:00pm: Delicious lunch at the Dining Hall
What to bring?
Dress for the weather (will have outdoor and indoor projects)
Work gloves (if you have them)
Chainsaws and loppers (if you have them)
What will our projects be?
We're continuing to keep an eye on the weather and will have a mix of indoor and outdoor projects. Projects will include:
Deep-cleaning in the Dining Hall (upstairs and downstairs/rec hall area)
Deep-cleaning cabins
Cleaning out landscaping areas
Removal of small trees/brush areas around camp
Thanks for the help! Our thousands of campers and guests appreciate it! If you have any questions, call the office at 515-733-5271 or email us at RLBC@RiversideLBC.org.
Saturday, May 3, 2025
8:30am- Lunchtime
Meet at the Dining Hall
Please RSVP by April 30, 2025