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December is here!

I was talking with my wife, Kelly, about how 2020 seems to have gone by so quick, yet slow all at the same time. I've never been much of a journaler, but this year has been one that has led me to write more than I have before. It's been a great exercise for me to write down all that has happened in this year: the joys, the pain, the losses, the grief, the celebrations, and the things I'm grateful for. Regardless of if you've journaled or not, I encourage you to reflect on the year that 2020 was: your joys, pains, losses, celebrations and bring them all before the Lord. The promise of our great and loving God is that He's been with you every step, every breath of this year. He loves you, He cares for you, He mourns with you, He celebrates with you. May you be reminded of God's great love and presence in your life by the power of His Spirit and may He alone be the source of your hope, peace, joy, and love.


Here are a few highlights of what's been happening at Riverside!

Campfire Hill Eagle Scout Project! We're so thankful to Caden Sporleder for tackling some much needed upgrades at Campfire Hill. Caden replaced many of the bench boards that were worn, improved supports of the benches, leveled out the benches, power washed the get the point-the benches got an upgrade! Not only that, but he also put in a

brand new fire pit that is bigger than before and will keep our fires better contained. Thanks Caden! Caden is a past summer camper, his mom (Kim) worked in our office at

Riverside for many years, and their great partners in ministry at Riverside.

Volunteers. We have been so blessed by so many volunteers here this fall. This past month, here's how volunteers have made an incredible impact at camp:

*Removed several downed trees in the River

*Removed down trees in the lagoon

*Helped down at the Ranch in many ways

*Helped clean and organize our shop

*Tuned up all of our small motors/vehicles

*Cleaned out the upstairs of the barn to be used after the bat project

*Installed new wireless thermostats in several buildings and new light fixtures

*Chopped enough firewood to stock all of our bins full

There's always more to be done and we'd love to have you out here at camp for a time away doing something new or something you love to do! Contact Dave Lubbers ( to get connected.

Summer 2021 is Coming!

Many people have asked us about summer 2021. We began praying and preparing for summer 2021 since June of 2020. While there are still many unknowns with the virus, we feel confident and excited in preparing for an incredible summer of ministry in 2021. I believe, maybe more than ever, an incredibly fun, engaging, excellent, Christ-centered week of camp will be more important than ever before. We are putting the finishing touches on registration and that will open up soon. Know we will continue to monitor all guidelines moving forward and will work hard to make sure camp is a safe place for our staff and campers.

Friends, God's blessings to you this Christmas! Joy to the world, the Lord has come! While this Christmas might be different than many other years, may this be a year where we might be able to slow down a little more than usual in our preparations to experience the true joy and hope found in Jesus Christ alone.

God bless you,

Chris and your Riverside Staff



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