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Blessings to you this Christmas!

Dear friends,

God's blessings to you and your family this Christmas. May this time leading up to Christmas not be full of hurry and worry, but a time of peace that comes in knowing that the Lord has come-Immanuel, God with us. It has been an absolute joy for myself and our team to serve the Lord this year in and through His camp. With that said, our team will also be enjoying some time of rest with family and friends here at the end of the year, as we prepare for all that God has in store for 2024! As we conclude this year of 2023, here are some other updates from around Riverside!

Giving Tuesday Update.

Thanks to so many congregations and individuals, we are excited to announce that we met our $25,000 goal for the day! Praise God! This day was all about giving towards growth:

*Eternal growth through giving to our General Fund, which funds all of our camperships, ensuring all campers can continue to grow in their walk with the Lord.

*Generational growth through helping plant 30+ mature trees on our new property and around Hope Village area-a visible representation of growth for years to come! Next year's Giving Tuesday will land on Tuesday December 3, 2024--more information to come!

Christmas Party

What a joy it was to bring back our Riverside Christmas Party this December. Over 100 people joined us for this family event to celebrate the birth of our Savior together! Thankful to our great staff for putting together such a fun evening, and for all of those who came out to enjoy delicious food, fun games, time of worship, and some shopping at the Riverside camp store! Make plans to join us next year for this event, Sunday December 8, 2024!

Church Visits

Winter is the time of year where we love to get out and connect with congregations who support the mission and ministry of Riverside! If you're interested in having one of our team members joining you for worship on a Wednesday or Sunday to share about upcominig opportunities at camp, please email

Year End Giving

I invite you to join hundreds of others who partner with the ministry of Riverside in both prayer and giving of financial gifts. Almost 1/3 of our budget is supported by the financial gifts from our congregations and individuals each year. Each individual gift makes an individual impact in the lives of thousands of people each year knowing and experiencing the extravagant love of Jesus, changing the trajectory of their lives forever! For more information on ways to give at the end of the year, click here to be taken to our giving page.

Looking towards 2024

We are so excited for a new year of ministry ahead! In our desire for creativity and excellence, we continue to evaluate all of the ways in which our program offerings are effective in carrying out the mission and values of the camp. Our team is excited for what the Lord has ahead of us, and we are expectant that He will move in great ways in and through His camp this next year. You may see a few changes in schedules and camp offerings-be assured that these changes have been prayerfully discerned and discussed by our team, and have purpose behind how we can best love and serve our campers, guests, staff, families, and congregations.

I'm grateful for your continued partnership in the Gospel and look forward to connecting wth you again soon!

God's blessings to you this Christmas,

Chris Dahl

Executive Director



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