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April Update

Dear friends,

Jesus is alive and it changes everything!  Because He lives, we to will live--abundant life with the Lord now, and eternally.  It's the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus and our desire for all people to come to faith in Jesus Christ that is central in all we do at Riverside.  We're grateful for your partnership in helping all people experiencing the extravagant, resurrecting love of Jesus!

Facility Updates

Mortvedt Hall renovation project is coming along in preparations for the summer!  Interior demo work is complete and the rafters have been strengthened to allow for work to continue.  The brush line between the building and the river were cleared up on Spring Work Day and there is now a clear view of the river from the windows and the back deck to come.  We'll be looking for volunteers to help remove the existing siding this month to prepare for the new siding.  If you're interested in helping, let us know!

The exterior work on the Chapel will be completed this spring/early summer with new siding and sealing windowsills.  Looking forward to seeing this project completed!

A new Hammock Village will be put in across the river by our Adventure area this spring, and be a great spot for cabins to hangout in and even sleep under the stars this summer as a new opportunity.  

We're always in need of help with projects around camp!  If you have even a morning to volunteer, we'd love to have you!

Looking towards summer

We're excited for another full summer of ministry ahead of us!  As we prepare for all that God desires to do in and through His camp this summer, here are a few ways you can engage with His work here:

1. Pray.  Pray to the Lord of the harvest for Him to lead exactly who He wants here this summer and that any barriers would be removed for them to be here.  We believe in the power of a Christ-centered camp experience and that God wants to incredible and miraculous work in the lives of His kids this summer!

2. Share.  Share about the opportunities to both work at camp and attend camp this summer with those in your spheres: sports teams, activity groups, co-workers, neighbors, friends, small groups, and your congregation.  Who might God be calling you to invite to camp this summer?

3. Volunteer.  We're always looking for volunteers to help throughout the summer-whether in the kitchen, at the new coffeeshop, parking, landscaping, mowing, or trimming.  

4. Encourage our staff.  We have an incredible summer staff and we're always looking for more ways we can encourage them and bless them throughout the summer.  Whether its' handwritten notes, snacks, hosting a weekend dinner event, inviting them to your church, or something else creative, we invite you to consider ways in which you might be blessed to be a blessing to them.

The Mime reaching multiple states and countries.

Over the years, the Riverside mime has been an impactful experience in the lives of our campers, staff, and guests.  There have been intentional movements to take this drama on the road, including Awaken Ministries and Redeemed Passion Mime.  Just this winter/spring, three different mimes were organized, directed, and performed in two different states and one other country!  Past summer staffers Conner Freerks (Story City, Iowa), Taylor Jacobson (Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois), and Sharon Castillo (Mexico) all wrote their own version of the Gospel mime and shared them with their communities this spring.  We're so grateful for the ways the ministry of Riverside is having Kingdom ripple effects through this powerful drama ministry!

Grateful for you and your partnership in the Gospel!




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