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Day Camp Coordinator

What is a Day Camp Coordinator?


Being a Day Camp Coordinator is a vital responsibility to a great Day Camp experience. Responsibilities include praying, being in contact with Riverside, advertising at your church, finding volunteers, and more.



What will you do as a Coordinator?


1. Pray regularly for the Day Camp


2. Remember that God has chosen you to be in this position.  You can do it with the gifts He has given you.

Remember the coordinator does not have to do everything alone. The coordinator is responsible to see everything has been accomplished. It is fine to have co-coordinators. The Day Camp Leader just needs to know who the main contact person will be.

3. Be in contact with Riverside

Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp
3001 Riverside Road
Story City, IA 50248
515.733.5271 or 1.800.372.7748

4. Advertise!

It is important to publicize your Day Camp early. Be creative and get the word out there! Remember to publicize to families in your congregation before Sunday School lets out, as many people go on vacation in the summer. Try to make people aware of your dates as soon as possible so they can plan summer trips around Day Camp. Day Camp is a wonderful outreach in your community and unchurched families, so publicize beyond your own church into the community. We've been told of families outside the church who have sent their children to Day Camp and ended up joining that church as a result of the excitement for Jesus the kids brought home! Praise the Lord!


Some examples of how to publicize: put an ad in the newspaper, make fliers, your community’s cable channel, radio and posters everywhere (church, local businesses, library, schools, etc.)

5. Secure volunteers

Each class needs at least one volunteer, but more is better! A good goal is to have 1 volunteer for every 10 children. Different volunteers are needed to serve snacks and help with the lunchtime. Please try to get as many adult or high school volunteers as you can.


The church is responsible for providing snacks each day. Organize people to bring snacks. NOTE: It is good to mix up the snacks so there are some healthy snacks throughout the week, too.

6. Secure housing for the Riverside staff

Due to a new policy, we are asking that female Day Camp staff be housed together. We understand that this may be difficult to do.  If needed, we recommend allowing multiple women to sleep on the floor in the same room to utilize space better. If you have any other question about this policy please call Lute Olson at 515-733-5271.


The number of counselors needed will vary according to the number of kids enrolled in Day Camp. The number of counselors coming will be given to the coordinator at the earliest time as possible before the Day Camp week.


Give each host family a copy of the letter that explains their role in making the Day Camp week successful. Include your information in the space provided.

7. Secure a site for Day Camp

The staff needs an area for worship, such as the church sanctuary, a chapel, or a fellowship hall. A large area with tables is needed for arts and crafts. A field by the church or a nearby park are great places for games, activities, and lunch. Immediate access to a storm shelter, emergency phone, rest rooms, and running water is necessary.

8. Get supplies

The camp staff bring most supplies with the exception of the basics: extra Bibles, crayons, markers, butcher paper or newspaper (to cover tables for art fun), name tags (address labels work very well!), a CD player, TV/VCR, and an overhead projector and screen.


If anything else is needed, you will be contacted as soon as possible.

9. Provide an estimated number of kids expected to be at Day Camp

It is important to have your campers registration form to you early. The earlier your deadline, the easier it is to plan for the number of kids coming. Expect some walk-ins the 1st or 2nd day of camp. A registration form for each camper is necessary for compiling information on each camper and for planning a quality Day Camp. A Registration Form and Conduct Covenant are included in the Appendix for your use.

10. Decide if you want the Day Camp children to do a service project during the week, then organize it.

It is completely up to the church if they would like a service project.


Please let the Day Camp Leader know what you would like to do so that he or she can adjust the schedule accordingly.

The time in which to do this and transportation needs to be planned.

11. Distribute and collect camper registrations and fees (if applicable)

One thing that we have found is that if the church charges for each child to come to Day Camp, the attendance is better. Even if it is $5 per child, parents seem to make more of an effort to make sure that their children are there every day, for the whole time.

12. Decide a Thursday activity for the program

Some churches like to have an ice cream social afterwards, or a potluck beforehand. This brings the congregation together for fellowship and provides time for campers to introduce family and friends to their counselors. It’s a fun way to celebrate the week.

13. Have the Risk Management Plan ready

14. Make nametags

Use pre-made nametags to write on or print campers’ names on computer mailing labels. Being able to call people by name is more personal and helps with discipline, too.


  1. Meet the Riverside Staff. They will arrive on Sunday evening at 5 p.m. Please show them around the facilities and answer any questions they may have.

  2. Arrange supper for the team. This could be a meal for the coordinator, staff, and host families!

  3. Make sure all the supplies are at the church and ready to go.

During the week of Day Camp:

  1. Be on site during the actual Day Camp week or delegate to someone who can be there at all times that the team is at the church.

  2. Have the Risk Management Plan posted at the Day Camp site.

  3. Give the registration sheets to the Day Camp Leader.
    Please provide a list of the volunteers and their addresses, also. We are so thankful for them and their willingness to help!

  4. Fill out the Day Camp evaluation.
    We want to serve you in the best way we can. Your comments, ideas, encouragement, and suggestions are valuable to us and the quality of the program. You can either mail it in or give it to the Day Camp leader to bring back to camp.

If you have questions about anything, please do not hesitate to contact us at 515-733-5271.

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